Monday, September 28, 2015

Abraham's Birth Story (Part 2)


So my story left off with Brian and I in the car driving to the Birth Center. Our drive was thankfully only about 15 minutes long and my contractions were tolerable while in the car. We arrived around 5:30 AM. Brian walked with me from the car to our room at the Center. We stopped a couple times as I worked through the contractions as they came. Brian was extremely supportive and gentle. He listened carefully to what I needed.

The Birth Center was quiet and empty. My Midwife, Vicki was waiting for us. She had filled up the bath tub and had the lights dimmed. I believe some soft music was playing.

Vicki had me lay down on the bed so she could check my dilation and administer an IV since I had tested positive for Strep B. I was 4 cm and fully effaced. I was happy to hear that. But I also was concerned we had come in too soon. I relayed my thoughts to Vicki who kind of laughed and said she was glad I was there! (Abe was born less than 3 hours later!) Laying down on my back and side during those few minutes was awful. I could not have labored entirely on my back! I was dying to get back on the floor! While she finished up with me, Brian set up a soft blanket on the floor, right by a rocking chair. This would be my "laboring station" until I got into the tub.

Once on the floor I remember my contractions seemed to be intensifying to the point where I wanted Brian nearby. He sat on the edge of the bed and I leaned on him or held onto him while working through each rush on my knees. They were 2-3 minutes apart and 50 seconds long.

It wasn't long and Vicki suggested I move to the tub. I was eager because I needed some kind of relief.

From this point on, my contractions grew in intensity.(Most of my time references from here on out are from my Vicki's notes). All I could do was breathe and moan through each one. I would use the brief moments between rushes to recover and prepare for the next one. Brian would give me a sip of water through a straw when I needed it. I would go from laboring on my knees to laying back in the tub allowing my arms and hands to float in the warm water. My eyes were closed. I was concentrating. I was praying. I was thanking Vicki and Brian for helping me because I felt I couldn't do it without them. Brian played "Holy Wedding Day" for me (that was the song I walked down the aisle to). :-) Vicki told us we needed to stop or she was going to cry.

6:30 AM--I now was feeling "pressure" down yonder. I believe this is when I began to dread each contraction. As I would feel one coming on, I would say "oh no". At some point once in the tub, Vicki thought to push on my lower back with her hand. It was such a blessing from God. Vicki was pretty spot-on and got it every time. She showed Brian where to push when I was having a contraction, but I felt he didn't always get the exact spot. I didn't want to hurt his feelings. I also was limited in how much I could talk, so I kept that to myself.

As the labor progressed and everything became more and more painful I became a little anxious and fearful. "How am I going to make it through the next one?", would go through my head. Or, "When is the next contraction? Oh God, please give me more time". At some point I began to ask for prayer. I think Vicki and Brian spoke powerfully to me in short sentences. They would tell me I was doing a good job. They would pray. I would say, "I can't do this." And Vicki would say, "You ARE doing this." :-) By the end of my labor I was yelling out loud, "God help me!". I was serious!

I had begun praying about labor all the way back around 30 weeks of my pregnancy. I knew only my Heavenly Father could get me through labor. My desire had been to have a very prayerful labor and it was!

7:59 AM--I finally had bloody show. My contractions had become overwhelming. The pressure was very strong. I think I told Vicki "I feel like I'm pushing" around 7:30 AM and it progressed to me saying, "I'm pushing!!". I was scared. My contractions took over my body and with each one my body was bearing down and pushing the baby out! My moaning turned to yelling (which is very embarrassing to me, but it is what it is). :-) The yelling seemed to  be the only way to cope with the pain. Imagine pushing a car, up a hill. You would not do it silently. I could not push this kid out quietly! ;-) Vicki asked if I needed to go to the bathroom. As soon as she asked, I realized I needed to go!

Vicki and Brian helped me out of the tub and onto the toilet. I faced backwards and layed my head on the tank. I relieved myself, both #1 and #2 and my water broke with an intense gush (thankfully on the toilet). I believe it was on the toilet when my yelling turned to screaming during contractions.
While on the toilet, Vicki told us she saw the head!

She suggested I go back to the tub or the bed. At that moment I didn't really care where I was. I couldn't fathom moving. As I moved back to the tub I had a contraction on my knees of the bathroom floor. After that one, Brian and Vicki hoisted me back into the tub somehow!

Once I was back in the water Brian asked Vicki a question that has now become our funniest story ever!! :-D

Brian: "Do I have 30 seconds to go to the bathroom?"
Vicki: "A quick 30 seconds!"

I was thinking to myself..."Why can't you just use this toilet?" And then I remembered Vicki was there! :-) After he left I had a terrible contraction and I remember yelling at the top of my lungs...."Briiiiiaaaaannnnn!". I wanted to make sure he knew the baby was coming and he needed to get back to me! :-)

We think Abe was delivered less than 2 minutes after Brian came back into the room!!

I delivered Abe while kneeling and leaning over the side of the tub. Once he was delivered I was able to sit down in the water. Vicki brought Abe up out of the water and placed him on my chest! It was over! I was still in pain! But our son was here! Labor was over!

I remember just catching my breath and being so thankful it was over! I still hurt and wished I could be free of pain. But the hard part was over and I had survived!!

Labor began: 1:00 AM
Abe was born: 8:13 AM
8 lbs. 14 oz
21 inches

And he came on July 4th!

..."call upon Me in the day of trouble;
I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me."
-Psalm 50:15

"But I call to God,
and the Lord will save me".
-Psalm 55:16


  1. Sam, so great to read your birth story! Thank you for sharing! I know I had to pray through all mine as well! Especially that last while. And every time I couldn't fathom how I could continue. Birth is amazing. I love it and it freaks me out! I know I can only do it with Gods help! I just had my 3rd a little over a month ago so reading your story I felt like I was right there with you! Love and miss you! So blessed for you :) ~Adiel

  2. Congratulations Adiel on your third baby!! :-) It is by God's grace alone, that I dare even hope to face labor again! But with Him, all things are possible!
